Catalog of Record and Educational Guarantees
Catalog of Record
For any degree or certificate, students have five (5) years from the date they declare a program of study to complete the program requirements outlined in that specific catalog. Should appreciable changes to the degree or certificate requirements occur, students will need to meet the degree or certificate requirements in the current catalog at time of application for graduation. Students who have not met the degree or certificate requirements within five years will need to meet the requirements in effect at that time of application for graduation. A student who has not been enrolled for three consecutive semesters, excluding summer, must meet the catalog requirements in effect upon re-entry. Illinois Central College will consider granting permission to a graduate under a catalog more than five years old if the student has been enrolled continuously and the degree or certificate requirements have not changed appreciably. Requests for this exception should be directed to the dean/associate dean of the department for approval.
Credit Hour
Illinois Central College defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in goals or intended learning outcomes, and verified by evidence of student achievement, that reasonably approximates not less than 50 minutes of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 16 weeks for each credit hour earned.
Multiple Associate Degrees/Certificates
Although a student may earn multiple Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degrees and/or certificates, he/she may earn only one of each of the following degrees:
Associate in Arts (AA)
Associate in Science (AS)
Associate in Engineering Science (AES)
Associte in Fine Arts (AFA)
Associate in General Studies (AGS)
In addition, degrees can only be obtained in the following order, but not in reverse order:
Associate in General Studies (AGS)
,Associate in Arts (AA)
,Associate in Science (AS)
,Associate in Engineering Science (AES)
.Associate in Fine Arts (AFA)
Therefore, a student may not earn:
An Associate in Arts (AA) degree after earning an Associate in Science (AS) or Associate in Arts and Science degree (offered at ICC prior to 2010); or
An Associate in General Studies (AGS) degree after earning any other associate or bachelor's degree.
[Policy comes from the Multiple Degrees SOP last reviewed and updated 9/4/2024]
Educational Rights and Responsibilities
Students have the same rights accorded all citizens, including the right to free, open, and responsible discussion and inquiry, and the right to a quality education in a program of study provided by competent instructors. It is the right of each student at Illinois Central College to:
Study any controversial issue which has political, economic, or social significance.
Have free access to all relevant information, including materials that circulate freely in the community.
Study under competent instructors in a learning environment conducive to instruction and free from bias and prejudice.
Form and express opinions on controversial issues without jeopardizing relationships with instructors of the College.
Be treated fairly and with full respect for the rights of the individual students.
Be accorded the best efforts of instructors, including access though regular office hours.
In return, students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible members of the academic community. Disruption of the educational process and violation of the rights of others constitutes irresponsible behavior. Faculty members reserve the right to establish a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and equitable to all. Specific responsibilities of Illinois Central College students include:
Attending classes regularly and explaining reasons for absences to instructors
Intelligent care of equipment and facilities used
Abiding by the expectations established in the course syllabus
Actions characterized by honesty
Refraining from:
giving false or misleading information to any College official or tampering with any College record
possessing or taking any narcotic, stimulant, or drug except as prescribed by a physician
giving, exchanging, or selling any drug to another person
possessing or consuming any alcoholic beverage on campus
giving, exchanging, or selling such beverages to another
using the College name or emblem in an unauthorized or unseemly manner.
Contrary actions such as plagiarism or giving unauthorized help on examinations, may result in disciplinary action ranging from a failing grade for the assignment or exam to dismissal from the College.
For more information see “Student Code of Conduct Overview" page and other relevant information under Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Procedures.
Students are responsible for knowing and abiding by all College regulations, together with federal, state, and local laws. These are enforced by appropriate civil, state, or College authorities. If students are in doubt about any particular matter, they should consult the Dean of Students, East Peoria Campus, CC200.
Education Guarantees
Illinois Central College guarantees the mastery of entry-level technical skills in Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree and occupational certificate programs, and guarantees the transfer of courses toward the credit-hour requirements for a bachelor degree at a four-year institution. If judged by an employer to be lacking in technical skills, a graduate shall be provided a maximum of nine credit hours of additional skill training at Illinois Central College without tuition charge. If a course does not fulfill the transfer guarantee, the student may receive either a tuition refund for that course or tuition-free enrollment in a course to correct the deficiency. This policy became effective for students enrolling in the fall of 1993 and subsequent semesters. Although tuition for approved courses will be waived, the student is responsible for any other costs associated with taking the courses. Listed below are the conditions for these guarantees. Contact the Academic Affairs Office, (309) 694-5784 or for more information.
Guarantee of Technical Competence
The student must be employed full time in a job directly related to his or her program of study within one year of graduation from the approved ICC program.
The employer must verify in writing within 90 days of the graduate’s initial employment that the graduate lacks competency in specific technical skills as represented in the degree description and course syllabi.
The student must have graduated within five (5) years of initial enrollment in the program.
Prerequisites and other admission requirements for retraining courses must be met and are not included in the courses covered by this guarantee.
All retraining must be completed within two (2) calendar years after the claim is made.
The retraining will be limited to courses regularly offered by the College.
A written retraining plan must be developed by the employer, the graduate, and the appropriate instructional administrator, specifying the courses needed for retraining and the competencies to be mastered.
This guarantee does not imply that the graduate will pass any national, regional, and state board licensing or qualifying examination for a particular career.
Guarantee of Credit Transfer
During each semester at Illinois Central College, the student must meet with his/her Student Success Advisor to plan an appropriate course of study, based upon the requirements of the institution to which the student intends to transfer. Registration cards must be signed by the student’s assigned Student Success Advisor.
For the guarantee to be in effect, the student must receive an Associate in Arts (AA) degree or an Associate in Science (AS) degree from Illinois Central College.
Only courses designated Transfer Credit (TC) in the Illinois Central College Catalog are covered by the guarantee.
Within one year of graduation from Illinois Central College, the student must notify the Academic Affairs office, in writing, of the courses that did not properly transfer. Upon notification, Illinois Central College has up to 90 days to investigate and to resolve the problem with the transfer institution. After the 90 days, the College will provide a refund of the monies paid for tuition and any lab fees for courses which did not transfer, or tuition-free enrollment in courses to correct the deficiency if such courses are available. The choice between the refund or the tuition-free enrollment is the student’s.