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Academic Placement and Testing

Academic Placement

East Peoria Campus • L220 • (309) 694-5234
ICC Peoria • Arbor Hall, A103 • (309) 690-6990
e-mail •

To support your success, we want to make sure you start college in classes that are right for you. Generally, placement is required for Reading/English and Math, but you don’t necessarily have to take a test. Check out the details below and contact your student success advisor if you have questions. See additional Academic Placement information on the website.

Note: This page includes most, but not all, qualifying placement methods. If you have taken a test in high school (e.g., PARCC) or at another college (e.g., COMPASS, ALEKS, Classic ACCUPLACER) that you’d like to submit, please contact the Testing Center at (309) 694-5234 or

Science, Engineering, and Math Majors

If you are majoring in science, engineering, or math, you will need to take a specific track of math and science classes that includes calculus.  Many science courses require specific math placement and/or successful completion of certain math courses. Pay attention to notes for science, engineering, and math majors in each section below and contact your student success advisor to discuss your placement options.

High School GPA

The simplest way to determine your placement at ICC is to use your high school grade point average. With a GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale, you will place into most college-level courses including English 110 and Math 110 or 111.

A few things you should know about submitting your high school GPA to ICC:

  • Science, Engineering, and Math Majors: Your GPA alone will not qualify you for some required courses. Submit your transcript to ICC but also make an appointment with your student success advisor to discuss whether you’ll need to take a placement test.

  • Some courses– Agricultural Business 118, Business 120 and 203—may require additional placement measures.

  • There is no expiration date on your GPA, but you must submit an official transcript.

  • Contact your high school and ask them to send your transcript to ICC by mail or email:

Attn: Enrollment Services, Illinois Central College, 1 College Dr., East Peoria, IL 61635,

  • If you have not yet graduated from high school, we will accept a transcript from your seventh semester (or halfway through your senior year).

  • If your high school uses something other than a 4.0 scale, ICC can convert your GPA to a 4.0 equivalent.

High School GPA on a 4.0 Scale


2.3 or higher

Math 080 & 110 (courses taken concurrently)
Math 081 & 111 (courses taken concurrently)

2.7 or higher

Math 110/111
English 110
Most college-level courses

3.0 or higher & a C or better in High School Algebra II

Math 085 & 115 (courses taken concurrently)

3.0 or higher & a B or better in High School Algebra II

Math 115/190

If your high school GPA cannot determine your placement, your placement will be determined by one of the methods below.

Early College, Transitional & High School Courses

  • If you took early college, dual credit, or transitional courses while in high school, your grades in those classes may qualify you for college-level courses. Check with your student success advisor for more information.

High School Coursework


C or better in Algebra I and II

Math 110/111

C or better in Algebra I, II, and Geometry

Math 130

C or better in Pre-Calculus or Calculus

Math 165

Note: science, engineering, and math majors are required to place into Math 115/120 or Math 165 or take courses to prepare you for Math 115/120. Math 110/111 do not lead to Math 115/120/165. 

ACT and SAT Scores

Check the table below to see if your ACT or SAT scores qualify you for college-level courses.

ACT Scores


Minimum Score


ACT Reading


College Ready

ACT Math


Math 080 & 110 (courses taken concurrently)
Math 081 & 111 (courses taken concurrently)

ACT Math


Math 110/111/130
Math 085 & 115 (courses taken concurrently)
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Agricultural Business 118
Physics 110

ACT Math


Math 115/120/190

SAT Scores


Minimum Score




College Ready

SAT Math


Math 080 & 110 (courses taken concurrently)
Math 081 & 111 (courses taken concurrently)

SAT Math


Math 110/111/130
Math 085 & 115 (courses taken concurrently)
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Physics 110
Agricultural Business 118

SAT Math


Math 115/120/190

A few things you should know about your ACT or SAT scores:

  • Science, Engineering, and Math Majors: You will be required to place into Math 115/120/ or Math 165 or take courses to prepare you for Math 115/120. Math 110/111/130 do not lead to Math 115/120/165.

  • There is no expiration date on ACT and SAT scores, but minimum scores are different for SAT tests taken before March 1, 2016. Check with your student success advisor if you took the SAT before March 1, 2016.

  • You must have official score reports sent to ICC directly from ACT or SAT. Check their websites for details.

GED® Scores

If you have earned your high school equivalency through the GED® test since 2015, check the table below to see if your scores qualify you for college-level courses.


Minimum Score


Reasoning Through Language Arts


College Ready



Math 110/111/130
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Physics 110
Agricultural Business 118

A few things you should know about your GED scores:

  • Science, Engineering, and Math Majors: You will be required to take the ACCUPLACER math test to determine if you’re ready for Math 115 and 120 or Math 165, which are required for your major. Math 110/111/130 do not lead to Math 115/120/165.

  • There is no expiration date on GED scores earned in 2015 or later.

  • Scores earned prior to 2015 are not accepted.

  • You must submit a copy of the Illinois High School Equivalency Official Transcript, which you can obtain from the Regional Office of Education for the county where you took the GED test. Send your transcript by mail or email to:

Attn: Enrollment Services, Illinois Central College, 1 College Dr., East Peoria, IL 61635,

English Language Tests

Check the table below to see if your IELTS or TOEFL scores qualify you for college-level courses.

IELTS overall band score


College Ready

TOEFL iBT total score


College Ready

A few things you should know about your IELTS and TOEFL scores:

  • There is no expiration date on IELTS and TOEFL scores.

  • You must have official score reports sent to ICC directly from IELTS or TOEFL. Check their website for details.

Courses From Other Colleges

If you have taken courses at another college or university, ICC may be able to transfer those credits and determine your placement based on your grades. Contact the college(s) you attended and ask them to send your transcript(s) to ICC by mail or email:

Attn: Enrollment Services, Illinois Central College, 1 College Dr., East Peoria, IL 61635,

Credit for Prior Learning

You may be eligible to receive Credit for Prior Learning. Check out the tables below for details about English and Math credit you may be able to earn.

There are additional courses for which ICC will accept AP, CLEP, IB, and other proficiency tests. For complete details, including things you should know about earning credit, see our Credit for Prior Learning guide.

Advanced Placement (AP)


Minimum Score

Credit from ICC

AP English Language


English 110

AP English Literature


English 110 or Literature 110

AP Calculus AB


Math 222

AP Calculus BC


Math 222

AP Calculus BC


Math 222 & 223

AP Statistics


Math 111

AP Precalculus


Math 165

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)


Minimum Score

Credit from ICC

CLEP College Composition


English 110

CLEP College Algebra


Math 115

CLEP Pre-Calculus


Math 165

CLEP Calculus


Math 222

International Baccalaureate (IB)


Minimum Score

Credit from ICC

IB English A: Literature (Higher)


English 110 & 3 credit hours of General Education Humanities

IB English A: Literature (Higher)


English 110 & Literature 110

IB Mathematics: Applications & Interpretation (Standard)


Math 110 & 111

IB Mathematics: Applications & Interpretation (Standard)


Math 110, 111, 115

IB Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches (Higher)


Math 111 & 165

IB Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches (Higher)


Math 111 & 222

Accuplacer (Next Generation) Scores

If you don’t qualify for college-level courses based on any of the options described above, you will need to take the ACCUPLACER test. The ACCUPLACER covers reading and math, and you may be asked to write an essay. Check the tables below for Next Generation ACCUPLACER scores.

Reading Test

Minimum Score



English 085


English 095
English 099/110 (Courses taken concurrently)
Emergency Medical Technician 114
Health 121


College Ready

WritePlacer Test

If your ACCUPLACER Reading test score is close to College Ready, you will take the WritePlacer test to have an opportunity to reach College Ready.

Minimum Score



College Ready

Math Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics Test

Minimum Score



Math 096/099


Math 080 & 110 (Courses taken concurrently)
Math 081 & 111 (Courses taken concurrently)


Computer Management 123
Chemistry 094


Math 110/111/130
Agricultural Business 118
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Physics 110

Math Advanced Algebra and Functions Test

Minimum Score



Math 110/111/130
Math 085 & 115 (Courses taken concurrently)
Agricultural Business 118
Business 120
Chemistry 110/115/120
Physics 110


Math 115
Math 120/190 (Geometry requirement must also be met by receiving a C or better in all semesters of High School Geometry or successful completion of Geometry Placement test)


Math 122/134/135/137/165/211
Business 203
Chemistry 130
Biology 160


Math 222

A few things you should know about the ACCUPLACER test:

  • Science, Engineering, and Math Majors: You will be required to place into Math 115/120 or Math 165 or take courses to prepare you for Math 115/120. Math 110/111/130 do not lead to Math 115/120/165.

  • There is no time limit, but if you take both the Reading and Math tests, you should allow about 2 hours to complete testing.

  • You must show a physical, valid photo ID when you come to take your test.

  • There is no charge to take the ACCUPLACER if you are an ICC student.

  • You will get your results immediately after finishing your test.

  • You can retake the test once per year (or twice with written permission from your student success advisor or high school counselor) if you are not satisfied with your scores.

Courses that May Require Additional Testing

Some courses may require additional testing. Contact the Testing Center at (309) 694-5234 or for complete details about the following courses.

  • Biology 205 (Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology I)

    • Biology 205 requires successful completion of specific science courses or a passing score on the Anatomy and Physiology placement test.

    • If you choose to take the placement test, we strongly encourage you to prepare for the test using the Get Ready for A&P resources from Pearson Education.

      • These books are on reserve in the ICC Library on both the East Peoria and Peoria campuses.

      • You can purchase or rent the book from the ICC bookstore or from another vendor.

      • If you’ve already purchased your Biology 205 textbook through the ICC bookstore, you have an access code that includes Get Ready for A&P online resources.

      • ICC Biology 205 Placement Test – Study Topics

  • Music 170 (Theory I)

    • Music 170 requires successful completion of Music 136 or a passing score on the Music Theory placement test.

    • Contact the Arts and Behavioral Sciences department at (309) 694-5113 for more information.

  • Spanish 111 (Elementary Spanish II) and Spanish 210 (Intermediate Spanish I)

    • These courses require successful completion of specific Spanish courses or a passing score on the Spanish placement test.

    • Contact the Testing Center at (309) 694-5234 or for more information.


East Peoria Campus • L220 • (309) 694-5234
ICC Peoria • Arbor Hall, A103 • (309) 690-6990
e-mail •

The Testing Centers at Illinois Central College seek to provide the highest quality of testing services for all students, faculty, and members of our community. We adhere to the National College Testing Association (NCTA) Professional Standards and Guidelines, striving to administer tests in an efficient, secure, and welcoming environment. Our desire is to facilitate access to education and career goals, being aware of and adapting as needs change.

All testing requires an ID and is by appointment.

Types of Testing Offered

  • Accuplacer




  • CLEP and DSST

  • Illinois Certification Exams

  • HESI

  • Meazure Learning

  • Mechanical Aptitude and Reasoning Test

  • NCRC/ACT WorkKeys

  • PearsonVue

  • Placement Testing

  • Proctoring and Testing Accommodation Services

  • PSI

  • SAT Exam

See Testing Center page for additional information on the website.

Earn Credit with Standardized Testing

You may be eligible to receive ICC credit for certain courses if you’ve completed Advanced Placement (AP) exams, College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) assessments. Before Illinois Central College awards these credits, you must successfully complete at least one course at ICC. There is a maximum number of credits you can earn from AP, CLEP, and IB.

To earn credits for AP, CLEP, or IB, you must have official score reports sent to ICC directly from AP, CLEP, or IB. Check their websites for details. These credits will be indicated on your ICC transcript as other credits applied, listing the equivalent course number, title and credit hours. Grades and honor points are not assigned to these credits. For complete details, including things you should know about earning credit, see our Credit for Prior Learning guide.

Proctoring and Testing Accommodation Services

Do you need to take an exam or quiz outside of class time? Your instructor can make arrangements for you to take your test or quiz under the watchful eye of our Testing Center staff. Remind your instructor to submit your exam to the correct Testing Center 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time.

We offer students with documented disabilities testing accommodations through Access Services. Some examples of testing accommodations include:

  • Extended testing time

  • Low distraction testing areas

  • The reader or recorded verbal form of exams

  • Scribe services to write for students or mark scantrons

Before making an appointment with the Testing Center, students must be approved for the requested accommodations. To gain approval, students should submit documentation of the disability and need for accommodation to the Access Services Department. Once the office approves an accommodation, an accommodation letter, good for one academic year will be issued. Students will share the accommodation letter with their respective faculty member(s) and then may make an appointment for exam(s). For questions or further information, you may send an inquiry to or (309) 694-5749.

Who We Are

At Illinois Central College, we believe everyone should have access to a college education. We are a community college making a big impact. Regardless of where you’ve been or where you’d like to go, ICC has the programs, the faculty, and the staff to help you achieve your dreams.

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