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Tuition Information

Tuition Due Dates

Tuition due dates are set when you enroll in a class. Due dates for each semester can be viewed at or by logging into your MyICC account. Financial arrangements must be made by the due date to ensure you remain enrolled in your classes. Inter-district cooperative agreements or agency authorizations must be received by the tuition due date to ensure your account balance is adjusted or you will be responsible for the full tuition amount due by the due date. These authorizations may be submitted to Enrollment Services on any campus. Illinois Central College reserves the right to change tuition without notice and to assess additional charges associated with administration, collection fees and any other charges incurred by the College in resolving unpaid balances. ICC will use any and all means necessary to collect unpaid balances.

Cost Per Credit Hour

Effective Fall Semester 2024 (subject to change)

Current tuition rates will be found online at


ICC district residents 

AND Out-of-district, Illinois residents* authorized by their community college for partial payment 

AND Online classes for district residents


Online classes for out-of-district and out of state residents


Out-of-district, Illinois residents* NOT authorized by their community college for partial payment


Out-of-state residents and international students

Variable Tuition

Some programs may have an associated Variable Tuition assessed effective with the Fall 2022 semester. Variable Tuition is 50% of the base in-district tuition rate.


Corporate and Community Education: activities and training (costs associated with class)


ICC district residents 65 and older, credit classes only (not including fees)

*If you reside in an Illinois community college district which does not offer a program that is available at Illinois Central College, you may be eligible for a Comprehensive Agreement Regarding Expansion of Education Resources (CAREER agreement) from your legal or home district. Please contact your home district community college for the application, and once approved by your home district, the application must be submitted to Illinois Central College immediately to ensure your account balance is adjusted to reflect the in-district tuition rate. ICC reserves the right to change tuition without notice.

Course and Class Fees

Illinois Central College does charge fees based upon enrollment in specific classes. The total cost of fees for a given class is displayed on the Class Schedule and in your MyICC account once you are enrolled.

Course and class fees include, but are not limited to, the following:  

General Lab Fee

Culinary Arts Course Fee

Welding Course Fee

Supply Fee


NCTK Course Fee

Music Course Fee

Biology Lab Fee

Digital Materials Fee

RESP Capstone Fee

HURST Review Fee

PTA Online Exam Fee

Surgical Tech Exam Fee

Web Professional Fee

Trailer Driving Instructional Fee

Drug Screen Fee

Background Check Fee

Fitness Membership Fee

Field Trip Fee

Senior Citizens

College District 514 residents who are 65 years of age or older at the start of the semester in which they enroll are entitled to a tuition waiver for credit classes only. However, these students must pay any required fees and purchase textbooks and supplies.

Tuition Payment Options

ICC does not sends bills to students. Students are directed to their MyICC account for their charges and tuition due dates.

Pay in Full

You can pay your tuition in full by cash, check, credit card, or electronic bank transfer (E-check).

  • Cash is only accepted in person.

  • Checks are accepted in person or via mail.

  • Credit card payment is accepted in person or online. ICC accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover for the payment of tuition and fees.  Please note a separate, non-refundable convenience fee will be assessed at the time of each debit or credit card payment for student account charges.

  • Electronic bank transfers (E-checks) are accepted online ONLY.

  • Bank Wire (Online but cannot be used to set up a payment plan).

PLEASE NOTE: If you mail your payment, it must arrive by the due date to ensure you remain enrolled in your classes. If payment is not received by the due date, you may be dropped from your classes and will have to re-enroll.

Online Payment Plans

ICC offers several ways to pay your tuition, fee and housing (if applicable) charges, based on when you enroll in your classes. All online payment transactions are set up using your MyICC account. For more information on how to make online payments and set up a payment plan, visit To set up a payment plan, you must have at least one (1) credit hour of tuition charges due on your account. The online credit card or electronic bank transfer payment allows you to make immediate payment through your MyICC account. The free payment plans offered by ICC create regular automatic electronic payments. A down payment is due on all payment plans, but the due date for the down payment varies depending on the plan selection. The earlier you enroll in classes and in a payment plan, the longer you have to pay and the smaller your monthly payments will be for the semester.

You may submit your payment one of two ways:

1) Electronic bank transfer – payment(s) automatically deducted from either your checking or savings account if it is an ACH transferable account.

– OR –

2) Credit Card Option – automatic payment(s) will be charged to a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card. (PLEASE NOTE: You can only pay for ICC student account charges. Charges for Corporate and Community Education and College for Kids cannot be paid using this service.) A $10 late fee will be charged for each installment payment that cannot be successfully processed on the due date of the installment.

For more information on tuition payment options, please contact or visit Enrollment Services on any campus.

Tuition and Financial Aid Refunds

To ensure timely and accurate delivery of your refund monies, ICC offers eRefund services to students. To take advantage of this service, you must set up an eRefund account through your MyICC account.

It is the policy of ICC to deduct from a student’s refund any outstanding obligation when the refund is processed. Obligations include, but are not limited to, tuition, fees, housing charges, returned payments, NSF fees, institutional emergency loans, traffic fines, library fines, etc. By law, ICC is allowed to use financial aid refund dollars to pay any outstanding obligation for tuition and fees for a prior term within the same academic year but only $200 can be used to pay an obligation from a previous academic year. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure any remaining balance is paid in full or future services (registration, transcripts, etc.) will be withheld from the student. Financial aid refund checks not cashed within 60 days will be cancelled and the funds will be returned back to the Federal Student Aid program.

All authorized refunds, including those for canceled classes, will be processed approximately the fourth week of classes. 

IRS Form 1098-T

As a college student, you (or your parents or guardians) may be eligible for a tax credit for tuition expenses. To assist you, ICC provides the IRS Form 1098-T to students and reports payments made on qualified tuition and related expenses during the calendar year. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure ICC has the correct Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) on record for tax reporting purposes. If you would like to receive the Form 1098-T with your TIN information, you are required to submit an IRS Form W-9S informing ICC of your TIN for reporting purposes. Please visit to obtain the PDF version of IRS Form W-9S. This form must be submitted to Enrollment Services on any campus. 

To make sure you always have access to the 1098-T form (for current year and previous years), ICC encourages you to sign up to receive this form through your MyICC account. The electronic version assures that you will be able to access your form as soon as it’s available.

Please consult with the IRS or your tax preparer for additional information on tax credits. ICC does not provide tax advice regarding tuition tax credits or deductions.

Dropping Classes/Refunds

ICC will drop all tuition charges or give 100% refunds of tuition for any decrease in credit hours, including complete withdrawal from the College, if you officially withdraw online or in person prior to the refund date(s) for the course(s). Refund dates vary and are listed for each course on the student’s class schedule. The ICC class schedule can be viewed at MyICC.

For more information and for instructions on how to officially withdraw from a course, refer to the “Withdrawal from Classes” section. Other attempts to withdraw are not considered official and will not be honored for a refund. A student will be held financially responsible for tuition and fees for all classes not officially dropped by the refund date.

In the event the College cancels a class, a total refund of tuition and fees related to the class will be made if the student does not change to another class.

Tuition Appeals

Tuition Appeals will be considered only when justified by extenuating circumstances such as illness, mandatory job changes, accident, death or illness in immediate family which prevent continued attendance or participation in the class(es). Supporting documentation must be submitted with the tuition appeal form for it to be reviewed. The tuition appeal form should be submitted by the last business day of the month following the term for which the student is appealing, however, tuition appeals will be accepted at any time. Directions for submission are included on the bottom of the form.

Appeal forms submitted with reasons of non-attendance or unawareness of refund dates will not be reviewed. Non-attendance in class and unawareness of refund dates are not considered extenuating circumstances.

Approved appeals will result in a tuition waiver for use in a future term. If tuition charges are unpaid, approve appeals may result in removal of all or a portion of the remaining tuition owed. Appeals for tuition fully paid by grants and scholarships may be subject to additional limitations. For more information about tuition appeals, please contact the Enrollment Services team at

Additional Fees

(rate at time of student handbook publish date, fee rates subject to change)

Collection Fee

$50 per account balance submission

Late Payment

$10 each month until paid in full or Plan Installment submitted to collections

Returned Payment

$25 per check or E-check


$10 per request Transcript Request

Application for Degree


Credit Card Convenience Fee

2.95% ($3 minimum) of payment amount for Student Account charges (non‑refundable)

Who We Are

At Illinois Central College, we believe everyone should have access to a college education. We are a community college making a big impact. Regardless of where you’ve been or where you’d like to go, ICC has the programs, the faculty, and the staff to help you achieve your dreams.

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