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Student Policies and Procedures 

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Policy 

The Illinois Central College alcohol, drug, and tobacco policy can be found here: Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Policies | Illinois Central College Catalog ( 

Children on Campus Policy 

Children must not be left unattended in learning and support areas within the College premises. If unattended children are discovered, immediate notification will be made to the ICC Police Department. Additionally, children will not be permitted in classrooms or similar settings solely for childcare purposes during scheduled classes or activities. In the event of extenuating circumstances related to childcare, students are required to contact the instructor or other relevant College personnel in advance of the class or learning activity to discuss the situation and explore available options. Students must consult with their instructor to determine possible makeup options in such cases. 

Chronic Communicable Diseases Policy and Procedure  

The Illinois Central College Chronic Communicable Disease Policy can be found within the Bylaws & Administrative Policies of the Board of Trustees.  Reference the section titled, “Health and Safety.”  

Procedure for Handling an Identifiable Case of a Chronic Communicable Disease 

The Manager of Risk, Safety and Benefits shall investigate, as the situation warrants, the health status of any student or employee known to have a chronic communicable disease. In addition, the health status of any student or employee identified to the Manager of Risk, Safety and Benefits by public health officials as being strongly suspected of having a chronic communicable disease will be investigated under proper guidelines identified by the public health officials. The Manager of Risk, Safety and Benefits shall investigate and then refer the case to the Vice President of Administration and Finance.  

As the situation warrants, a task force shall be formed, and may include the following individuals: the Vice President of Administration and Finance, the Manager of Risk, Safety and Benefits, the Dean of Students, the Vice President of Student Success, and the Vice President of Marketing and Institutional Advancement. 

After reviewing the case and guidelines set forth by public health officials, the task force shall determine the appropriate action to be taken for the particular case based upon the following criteria: 

  • The nature of risk 

  • The duration of risk 

  • The potential harm to other parties 

  • Possibility of transmission of the disease 

The recommendation will include a summary of the findings relative to each of the above criteria, a description of the recommended attendance or employment accommodations and a specific description of the notifications suggested. 

After a recommendation is made by the task force and action set forth, the Vice President of Administration and Finance will inform appropriate College officials of that recommendation and action. During the notification procedure, all efforts shall be made to keep confidential the name of the person/persons involved. 

Whenever a decision is made that might have an adverse effect on the employment or educational placement of a person and that person disagrees with the decision, an appeal may be made to the President of the College for a review of that decision. The decision of the President shall be final. 

Disclosure of Private Mental Health (Optional) Policy 

In accordance with the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act, Illinois Central College will provide students with the option to authorize in writing that a designated person, defined as a parent, guardian, or adult over the age of 18, be contacted by a psychologist, counselor, or other qualified examiner employed by Illinois Central College during a mental health emergency.    

This Act states that an institution of higher learning may disclose mental health information if a physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner, makes a determination that the student poses a clear danger to himself, herself or others to protect the student or other person against a clear, imminent risk of serious physical or mental injury or disease or death being inflicted upon the person or by the student on himself, herself, or others. The physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner shall, as soon as practicable, but in no more than 24 hours after making the determination under this section, attempt to contact the designated person and notify the designated person that the physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner has made a determination that the student poses a clear, imminent danger to himself, herself, or others.  

Students will be provided a link to the online authorization form. Students will be given the option to rescind their authorization at any time and may also change their designated person at any time through accessing the online form. Students who want to make changes to their authorization must revisit the website and fill out the form again with the updated information. Illinois Central College will reserve the right under certain circumstances as allowed by and/or required by law to contact parents or the proper authorities in the event of an emergency that will protect the student’s life or the lives of others.   

The authorization form will be stored in Maxient, a secure record keeping system. It will be password protected and only accessible by an Illinois Central College psychologist, counselor, or other qualified examiner. Any contact with a designated person regarding a student’s mental health emergency will also be documented in Maxient and will be accessible by Illinois Central College psychologists, counselors, or other qualified examiners. 

Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure 

Illinois Central College (ICC) does not discriminate, and will not tolerate actual or perceived discrimination or harassment, on the basis of sex, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious affiliation, sexual orientation or preference, age, marital or family status, disability, veteran status, or other status protected by applicable federal, state, or local law in admission, financial aid, employment, athletics, or any other aspect of its educational programs or activities. Reasonable accommodation will be provided to persons with disabilities, consistent with state and federal law. 

The Illinois Central College Discrimination and Harassment Policy can be found within the Bylaws & Administrative Policies of the Board of Trustees.  Reference the section titled, “Anti-Discriminatory and Harassment Policy.” 

Complaint Procedure for Discrimination and Harassment 

The Illinois Central College Discrimination Policy and Complaint Procedure can be found here:  

Inquiries and complaints may be addressed to the Title IX/Civil Rights Equity Coordinator, Illinois Central College, 1 College Drive, East Peoria, Illinois 61635-0001, (309) 694-8460 or email

Students may contact the Title IX/Civil Rights Equity Coordinator at (309) 694-8460 or email with questions.  

Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Policy and Complaint Procedure 

Illinois Central College will not tolerate domestic or dating violence and stalking against students, staff, faculty, or visitors. Internal complaints of domestic or dating violence and stalking filed against students will be investigated pursuant to procedures established by the College and appropriate disciplinary action taken as determined by the College judicial system. 

In an ongoing effort to prevent domestic or dating violence and stalking, and in addition to providing various security measures, the College is committed to making available, through a variety of channels, relevant educational information and programs. It is College policy to comply with all applicable federal and state statutes for reporting and publishing domestic or dating violence and stalking statistics. 

These policies are intended to comply with relevant parts of the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, as amended, 20 USC 1092(f), and the implementing federal regulations, 34. CFR 668.47(a)(12). It is also intended to comply with the federal Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 as amended. These policy statements and supporting procedures may be amended by the College as necessary to conform to future changes in state and federal law. 

Full procedures and other relevant information can be found at the Title IX/Sexual Misconduct page here:

Drug, Tobacco, and Alcohol Policy 

The Illinois Central College alcohol, drug, and tobacco policy can be found here: Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Policies | Illinois Central College Catalog ( 

Romantic Relationships Between Students and Employees Policy 

Employees of Illinois Central College shall not be romantically or sexually involved with a student whom he or she teaches, advises, coaches, mentors, or supervises in any way. This policy will be supported by guidance regarding employee-student relationships such as appropriate language, suggested behaviors to avoid, and steps for modifying a present or potential situation, i.e., reporting the conflict, changing advisors, instructors, etc. Adopted by the Board of Trustees October 16, 2014 

Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure 

The Illinois Central College Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure can be found here: 

Students may contact the Title IX/Civil Rights Equity Coordinator at (309) 694-8460 or email with questions.  

Student Travel Policy 

The Illinois Central College Student Travel Policy can be found here: <link pending> 

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Policy 

The Illinois Central College alcohol, drug, and tobacco policy can be found here: Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Policies | Illinois Central College Catalog ( 

Weapons Policy 

The Illinois Central College Weapons Policy can be found here: Weapons on Campus and Firearm Concealed Carry Policy 

Vaccination and Immunization Policy 

Our institution does not require vaccinations for general enrollment, employment, or visitation. However, specific programs within the institution may have their own immunization requirements based on their unique health and safety needs. These program-specific requirements will be clearly communicated during the application or enrollment process. 

Program Coordinators are responsible for determining and documenting any necessary immunization requirements, ensuring they align with public health guidelines, and providing information on procedures for compliance and exemptions. Exemptions for medical, religious, or personal reasons will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with reasonable accommodations provided where feasible. 

This policy, along with any program-specific requirements, will be reviewed annually to ensure they remain up-to-date with current public health recommendations and legal requirements. The institution is committed to supporting the health and safety of all community members while respecting the autonomy of individual programs.