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Associate in Science Degree (AS)
Academic Plan Code: ICC 0264

Specific Degree Requirements [Transfer]

The Associate in Science (AS) degree is designed to provide students with the foundation for transferring to a four-year college or university. The transfer plans of study provide recommended coursework that will help prepare a student for continued education in their selected field of study.

In addition to the information on the General Requirements for Certificates and Degrees for degrees listed in the current College Catalog, candidates for the Associate in Science (AS) degree must complete at least 60 credit hours of Transfer Credit (TC) courses including the General Education requirements listed below. See the General Transfer Informationin the current Catalog for more information on transferring including information on the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI). Students must maintain an overall grade point average of 2.00 (C). All students must complete the specific degree requirements in effect for the AS degree according to the Catalog of Record listed in their academic records. The Catalog of Record policy can be found on the Catalog of Record and Educational Guarantees page.

Students are expected to meet with their Student Success Advisor to plan a specific course schedule that meets Illinois Central College and personal requirements: Academic Advising




(6 credit hours)

  1. ENGL 110 and 111

To fulfill this requirement, a student must receive a grade of C or better in each course.


(3 credit hours)

  1. COMM 110 or COMM 212



(6 credit hours)

Courses must be taken in at least two of the following disciplines:

  1. Economics: ECON 111, 112

  2. Geography: GEOG 112, 113, 116, 118

  3. History/International Studies: HIST 117, 118, 201, 202, 231: INTST 130, 134^, 140

  4. Political Science: POLSC 115, 119, 120, 122, 124

  5. Psychology: PSY 110, 202, 210*, 220

  6. Sociology: SOC 110, 114, 120, 215, 218*, 219

*Either PSY 210 or SOC 218 satisfies IAI requirements (cannot count both)


(6 to 9 credit hours)

At least one course must be taken from Group I, and the others may be taken from either Group I or Group II. See the Math Sequencing page for relationship between courses.

  1. Group I (3 to 6 credit hours): MATH 110, 111 or 211, 122, 134, 135, 201, 222, 223, 224

  2. Group II (Transfer credit, but NOT IAI approved courses for General Education): MATH 115, 120, 124, 165, 190, 200, 230, 250


(10 to 11 credit hours)

Students must complete at least one Physical Science and one Life Science course from Group I. The third course can be taken from Group I or Group II.

At least two courses must also contain a laboratory component.

  1. Group I (7 to 8 credit hours)

    a. Life Sciences: 

    i. Biology: BIOL 110, 111, 113 (non-lab), 114, 115, 150 (non-lab), 160 or 161, 250

    b. Physical Sciences: 
    i. Chemistry: CHEM 110, 113 (non-lab), 115, 120, 130
    ii. Earth Science: EASC 110 (non-lab), 111, 116, 117 (non-lab), 118, 250
    iii. Physical Science: PHYSC 110, 114
    iv. Physics: PHYS 110, 120

  2. Group II (3 to 4 credit hours) any science course designated as Transfer Credit, but NOT IAI approved courses for General Education.


(6 credit hours)

One of these courses must be a Humanities course and one must be a Fine Arts course.

  1. Humanities (3 credit hours)
    a. Film: FILM 111
    b. Foreign Language: ARA 211 or CHIN 211 or GER 211 or ITAL 211 or SPAN 211
    c. History: HIST 111, 112, 120, 204
    d. Humanities: HUMAN 123, 124 or 125
    e. International Studies: INTST 132 or 133, 134^

    f. Literature: LIT 110, 111, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216

    g. Philosophy: PHIL 110, 111, 112, 115, 116, 118

  2. Fine Arts (3 credit hours)
    a. Art: ART 110, 142, 150, 151, 152
    b. Dance: DANCE 115
    c. Film: FILM 110, 111
    d. Humanities: HUMAN 123, 124 or 125, 250
    e. International Studies: INTST 132 or 133
    f. Mass Communication: MCOMM 224
    g. Music: MUS 148, 149, 150, 151

    h. Theatre: THTRE 110 or 111

Underlined courses are interdisciplinary courses (HF designation) that may be used for either Humanities or Fine Arts credit (but not as both)

^INTST 134 can count as either a Humanities or a Social and Behavioral Sciences (but not as both)

ICC’s courses approved by the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) are posted on the iTransfer website: While a foreign language is not required for graduation at ICC, students are strongly advised to check the requirements of the program at the college or university to which they intend to transfer.

Who We Are

At Illinois Central College, we believe everyone should have access to a college education. We are a community college making a big impact. Regardless of where you’ve been or where you’d like to go, ICC has the programs, the faculty, and the staff to help you achieve your dreams.

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